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    Our first «From 0 to 100»-Kickstart was a success. With 9 teams, we spent 5 weeks bringing exciting ideas to life step by step.

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    "Our goal? Bring changemakers together to form a 'task force' for a better future."

    Britta Friedrich heads up the Migros Pioneer Fund that lies behind “From 0 to 100”. She believes that things can be changed for the better with a little courage and the right attitude.


    About us

    The Migros Pioneer Fund

    "From 0 to 100" is the (digital) hub for changemakers who want a better future and a Migros Pioneer Fund offering. Our aim is to create a space for your ideas – a place where you can meet like-minded people and exchange views. "From 0 to 100" provides the impetus for this, offering know-how and targeted support – enabling you to (further) develop your ideas and face up to the major challenges of our time by devising specific, courageous solutions.

    As part of the social commitment of the Migros Group, the Migros Pioneer Fund supports go-getting pioneers whose trailblazing solutions make a difference. We do not accept applications, but actively seek projects with a long-term social benefit. The Migros Pioneer Fund has around 15 million Swiss Francs at its disposal each year, supported by companies from the Migros Group such as Denner, Migros Bank, Migrol, migrolino and Ex Libris.

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