Let's make the economy fit for the future.

    Our second mission «From 0 to 100» on the topic of a sustainable economy has been successfully completed! 
    We have worked together to make tomorrow's world a little better. Together with you - you who challenge the traditional economic model with your initiatives, your ventures and your courage. And you, who are not afraid to develop and implement transformative solutions that do not yet exist.

    Together, we have worked on alternatives that do not serve the maximisation of profit, but the well-being of people and nature. We are deeply grateful for the many encounters, valuable experiences and important insights we have gained in the process. 

    We are currently working on a new mission, but we will of course continue to work on this important topic.

    Have you heard?

    «100 Minutes»: Making the economy better

    In season 1 of our podcast, brand-eins podcaster Frank Dahlmann joined us on a search for a sustainable economy. He found a few things that give us hope...

    Listen now!

    Discover Nowtopia

     Meet pioneers who are already making the economy fit for the future with their companies.

    «From 0 to 100»-Kickstart

    In our five-week "From 0 to 100" kickstart on the topic of ‘Sustainable Economy’, we offered participants a platform to drive forward their sustainable ideas with online sessions, expert input, individual coaching and dialogue with like-minded people.


    What is prosperity?

    Prosperity - how is it actually measured? By the number of presents under the Christmas tree? And can a single figure really capture what prosperity is? Do we need new definitions? Too many questions - here are some answers:

    The article

    ‘We need a holistic understanding of the concept of prosperity.’

    Economist Dr Katharina Lima de Miranda conducts research at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and, together with Dennis Snower, Professor at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin and President of the Global Solutions Initiative, has developed such a measurement method: the Recoupling Dashboard. In this interview, we spoke to her about the connection between empowerment and prosperity – and why young entrepreneurs give her hope.

    The interview

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    More on the Economy of the Future

    Want to dive deeper into the topic and connect with like-minded people? On our LinkedIn profile, we consistently share inspiring content and current insights.

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    The guide for your pioneer project

    You want to realise your idea for the economy of tomorrow? Our pioneer project guide will help you get this idea off the ground.

    Start your project now

    The toolkit for every scenario

    You aren't progressing with your project? Our proven tools, templates and methods can help.

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    Say hello!

    You have questions, suggestions or ideas for the economy of the future? Look no further – Samira is here for you.

    Samira Lütscher

    Project Lead at the Migros Pioneer Fund

    Say hello